Perfecting Hotel Performance: Lessons from the Experts

In order to achieve Forbes Travel Guide’s five-star status, a hotel’s performance must be perfect in every area. Hotel consultant Larry Mogelonsky recently authored an article for hospitalitynet discussing what it takes to achieve the level of perfect that earning five-star status requires.

In his article, Mogelonsky examines a recent visit he made to the Boston Harbor Hotel (BHH). He was invited in order to attend BHH’s quality assurance meeting and examine all aspects of its operations. So how does BHH operate in order to maintain its exemplary standards? Here’s a brief overview:

  • BHH has a standards committee that meets weekly to discuss performance
  • The standards committee is made up of seven areas of responsibility
  • Each area of responsibility has 1-2 members, plus the managers that oversee the particular area
  • Committee members evaluate both their own areas and each other’s areas
  • The standards committee performs multiple inspections each week
  • Any issues discovered during weekly inspections are brought up and discussed during the weekly meeting

Maintaining five-star status is a big deal. As you can see from the complex process that BHH has in place, it is likely not a reality for all hotels. That said, all hoteliers can learn from the example of BHH. Mogelonsky’s key takeaway is that the delivery of exceptional service is a team effort. Without investment and commitment at all levels, it is impossible to achieve quality hotel service.

For more details, read the article in full at hospitalitynet.