Two Other Problems Affecting Restaurant Sales

Who knew that the rise of Netflix, Amazon and an oversupplied industry would affect the restaurant business? In fact, there are two other odd elements affecting restaurant industry traffic: Travel and movie watching.

In an article from Nation’s Restaurant News, author Jonathan Maze writes, “Travel is, of course, a big deal to the industry, because nobody eats out quite as much as travelers, who usually stay in hotels and eat a high percentage of their meals at a restaurant. A decline in international travel, therefore, means that restaurants in tourist-heavy areas are losing on potential diners”.

In this article Maze discusses:

  • The travel and movie theater industries influence on restaurants
  • Sales trends

Maze continues, “To be sure, in both instances the sales weakness is coming on the fringes, hurting sales in tourist-heavy markets, or with chains that are concentrated near movie theaters”. Has your restaurant noticed a decline in sales if you are close to an airport or movie theater? It might be time to re-evaluate your business strategy!

To read more, see the full article from Jonathan Maze in Nation’s Restaurant News.